Which payment methods does Etoren offer?
Our payment options include credit / debit card, PayPal, local bank transfer and other local payment method.
Payment options are provided where available according to countries and regions. Cash On Delivery (COD) option is not available at this moment.
Please note that bank transfer and local payment may require additional time to receive and confirm due to banking procedures.
  • Secure Credit /Debit card: VISA, MasterCard
  • Paypal payment: Credit /Debit card & Paypal account
  • Bank Transfer method available in US / Japan / Europe / UK /Australia.   (SWIFT payment is rejected)
  • Local Payment method
    • Russia: Yandex Money, local bank transfer (Sberbank Online), Local bank card payment.
    • Brazil: Boleto Bancario, Local bank transfer, Local bank card payment. 
  • For more details on each payment method, please refer to terms and conditions-payment.
Why is my Paypal or credit card payment rejected?  Which credit cards are accepted for payment?

Etoren accepts international VISA and MasterCard in card transaction. Other card types such as JCB, AMEX, Diners are accepted through PayPal account payment option. Local payment service such as Yandex and PagBrasil can accept local bank card.

For Paypal, please check that you have a local Paypal account when making a purchase using Paypal on our website.
However please note that while most international Paypal accounts are accepted by Paypal in your purchasing countries, some accounts may be restricted depending on security verifications through Paypal.

In case of credit card and Paypal payment failure, it could be mostly due to unconfirmed security verification.
Please directly contact Paypal or your bank and they should be able to resolve the issues upon verifying your identity.

Do you keep my credit card details?
Every credit card transaction occurs within a secure environment.
We do not retain your credit card information after your order is completed; it is submitted directly to the banks